Scaled Vaccine Management

Scaled Vaccine Management

Cloud-hosted portal for all parties

Cloud-hosted portal for all parties

With a single connection from a laboratory or Vaccination Capture device to the Project Pandemic Shield platform, we can instantly route results to State and Federal regulators.  Through this connection, Project Pandemic Shield can integrate with any EMR, LIS, or display data within our HIPAA compliant portal.

With a single connection from a laboratory or Vaccination Capture device to the eCoronaPass platform, we can instantly route results to State and Federal regulators.  Through this connection, eCoronaPass can integrate with any EMR, LIS, or display data within our HIPAA compliant portal.

ecoronapass laptop and phone login screens

Specialized COVID Management Software: 

Vaccine Deployment & Test Result Tracking


Automated, Improved, and Streamlined Reporting


HIPAA and CARES Act Compliant


Utilizes existing connections to state and federal organizations


Maintenance and Scalability for Large Populations


Includes LOINC/SNOMED/ICD-10/CPT Codes


Flexible Integrations Including JSON, FHIR, XML, ADT, ORU, ORM & HL7

Built-in Health-Risk Stratification

Project Pandemic Shield possesses effective patient stratification and predictive care modules built into the platform to accurately pinpoint and select which populations would be segmented into different phases of a vaccination program.

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Vaccination Appointment Scheduling

Patients can easily schedule a vaccination appointment from any smart phone, tablet, or computer.


Contraindications Checklist

Contraindication checklists are required for every patient.  A quick survey helps ensure patients do not have contraindications against receiving the vaccine.


Vaccination eCard

Easily view vaccination history and present a scannable barcode to confirm.  This is preparing for future situations that may require proof-of-vaccination to participate.


Vaccine Outcome Monitoring

A text message initiates web-based health checks post-vaccine. Daily for the first 7 days post-vaccination.  Weekly therafter until 6 weeks post-vaccination.  Includes active follow-up through the VAERS program with people reporting a clinically important* event during any health check survey.

ecoronapass integration capabilities

Secure Integrations, Less Frustrations

Integrates with any EMR, LIS, and display data in our HIPPA-compliant portal

Through the use of sophisticated algorithms, we ensure data handling is in compliance with the CARES Act requirements.

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